Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Prenatal Visit 11/17 Update

My visit on 11/17 went very well. My weight remained unchanged, blood pressure was down slightly and all my blood work came back great. Apparently, I had a bladder infection which was throwing my proteins out-of-whack. I have almost completed a round of antibiotics and should be back on track. Thankfully, I do NOT have to jump into the bi-weekly visits just yet. Very, very happy!

On the big brother front, Sebastian now has an invisible friend son he takes everywhere and his name is surprisingly (or not) named the same as the soon-to-be baby brother. Because he is very inquisitive of everything baby, we keep weekly tabs on baby's growth and developments. My iphone app shows the baby's approximate weight/length and compares to fruits & vegetables which really excites him and his a great measure for him (when he knows what the fruit or vegetable is ;). So, he has it stuck in his head that our baby will be a pineapple when he is born, so he calls him baby pineapple. At the grocery store last week my mother shows him what a fresh pineapple looks like and lets him hold it. He just hopes that the baby isn't sticky like the pineapple! Me either!!

More Handsome Sebastian

Another pic of my handsome 4-year-old, posing for his Christmas pix...

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Interesting Conversations

Last night...
I was getting Sebastian ready for bed, I noticed some sticky residue on his neck. More-than-likely, it was the remnants from a sticker. I asked, "Sebastian, what is that sticky on your neck?" He replies, very matter-of-factly, "Maybe it's lipstick!" :0

This morning...
Sebastian was playing with his blocks on the coffee table. He informs me that he has built a hospital. I say, "That is a wonderful hospital! Can we go to your hospital when the baby is ready to come?" Sebastian says, "YES! If she(?) is dead then we can take her to the hospital in an ale'ance (ambulance) and they will make her all better." "Don't you mean if he is really sick we can take him to the hospital and they will make him all better?" "Noooo! If you're DEAD, we can go to the h-o-s-p-i-t-a-l and you can be all better (DUH)!!!"

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Christmas Pics

Today we attempted to try some pix for our Christmas cards this year. I did manage to capture a few of Sebastian that I just adore. He still amazes me everyday at how grown up he looks. Where is that little baby boy?? He is definitely a wonderful little man and so, so handsome. I couldn't have asked for more when I was blessed with this child. He makes my life interesting and amazing every single day. I can't wait to meet our second little angel. I am truly one blessed Mommy with two perfect little guys.

Here is a photo from our Christmas pix today, one of my favorites...

Monday, November 8, 2010

Prenatal Visit 11/03/10

So I had my fourth regular prenatal visit last Wednesday Nov 3rd. I have gained 1lb since my last 4-week visit. My blood pressure was okay at 124/80. Baby Boy's heart-rate was in the 130-140s. Everything was ship-shape except the protein levels in my urine (don't you just love the little strips you have to pee on every single visit??). Apparently my proteins were +2 last visit and +1 this visit. I'm not sure what the levels mean, but I had to have more lab work and a follow-up in two weeks instead of four. Due to my history of high blood pressure and the proteins, they are obviously concerned about preeclampsia. I hope that we get some better news at next week's appointment. We had some preeclampsia scares during my pregnancy with Sebastian, but it was near the end of my pregnancy, not at 22 weeks in. Can't wait to meet our Baby Boy, but I'd like for him to stay soundly in my belly for as many of those 40 weeks as possible!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Getting Up-2-Date

There is so much new stuff to tell but not enough time or energy in my pregnant body to share it all, so here's what I have...

Sebastian is 4! four. years. old. Can you believe it? I don't even know how it is possible; it just happened so suddenly! But that is what his birth certificate says. I know! I'm still in shock, too! He is, of course, the most most beautiful, handsome, lovable, intelligent, fun-loving 4-year-old (I know, I know) that I've ever known. I just adore everything about him. OK, maybe not the 4-year-old "I-know-everything-and-you're-just-an-idiot" attitude, but you get the point. In general, he is the best thing since sliced bread.

You don't have to spend very much time with him to realize what toots his horn. He is absolutely, without a doubt, head-over-heels in love with everything John Deere. Actually, it's more everything "farming" than just John Deere because his Daddy drives a red Case tractor and he seems just as in love with it as the green ones. The case and point here is, the only conversations in which he is fully present contain some kind of talk of crops, tractors or some other type of farm machinery. An example of Sebastian's ride home from daycare commentary...

Look! It's a green tractor! Why is that tractor just sitting there? There are 10 modules out there. That field is disted (disked). Look! Two combines! Look at that bean header. Them big trucks are gonna come take the beans. Where are those module trucks going? How come the sprinklers aren't on? Daddy is mowing all those cotton stalks down. When can I ride the cotton picker? Look at that boll buggy. bla bla bla bla bla bla bla

You can't really get the full affect without hearing Sebastian talk. He is straight up, one Southern fella. It's the most hilarious thing to hear him speak and even as used to his accent as David and I are, we still crack up when he talks shop! As my relatives in Illinois would say, "You can't mistake that he is from Southeast Missouri!"

Sebastian and his Daddy dumping cotton!

The news on Baby Boy #2 -- he is still just baking away. I'm 22-weeks tomorrow. My pregnancy with him has been much different than I had with Sebastian, but just as exciting. Due date is currently the same on 03/09/11, but I will have a scheduled Cesarean delivery, so we will hopefully know an arrival date soon. My next prenatal appointment is tomorrow and I HOPE to still be updating the blog by then ;) I think we have ALMOST finalized his name. That's about it though. Let's just be glad that we still have roughly four more months to prepare because his name is about all that's ready around here! :0

Blog Attempt #2 #3

My EARLY New Year's resolution is to start a blog and KEEP IT UP!! That is much easier said than done, but I'm going to take another whack at it. I love having a blog. It's a wonderful way of keeping memories for my family, my babies and myself. I went back recently and read the blog I started when Sebastian was little and LOVE it! So many things recorded. It's awesome to know that those day-to-day details will be there for Sebastian when he is old enough to appreciate them. With Baby Boy #2 on the way, I want to try to get back in the groove and attempt to preserve some moments in time for him as well. Wish me luck!